tlhIngan Hol mu'ghom

Diff selection: mark the radio boxes of the versions to compare and hit enter or the button at the bottom.
Legend: (cur) = difference with current version, (last) = difference with preceding version, M = choHHom.

2 jar wa'maH cha' 2007

29 jar Hut 2007

  • curHochDIch 18:0218:02, 29 jar Hut 2007Jonathan Webley ja'chuq ghaqmey 390 bytemey +390 ghItlh chu': {{-tlh-}} {{-noun-}} {{pn}} ({{p}}: '''veqlarghpu'''') # {{TKD|185,187}} #* '''''veqlargh'''lI' yIbuS 'ej '''veqlargh'''wI' vIbuS.'' #: (''ou pay attention to your Fek'lhr and I will p...