tlhIngan Hol mu'ghom
bIjatlh 'e' yImev! Shut up!
ghIchwIj DabochmoHchugh, ghIchlIj qanob. If you shine my nose, I will give you your nose.
Dejpu'bogh Hov rur qablIj! Your face looks like a collapsed star!
HoS lI' Dalo'Ha'chu'! You are a total waste of good energy!
ghe''orDaq luSpet 'oH DaqlIj'e'! You belong in a black hole in the netherworld!
Hab SoSlI' Quch! Your mother has a smooth forehead!
'IwlIj jachjaj. May your blood scream.
reH HIvje'lIjDaq 'Iwghargh Datu'jaj. May you always find a bloodworm in your glass.
QuvlIjDaq yIH tu'be'lu'jaj. May you coordinates be free of tribbles.
'oy' DaSIQjaj. May you endure the pain.
DeSvetlh yIv! Chew that arm!
Ha'DIbaH qab! Bad animal!
DopDaq qul yIchenmoH QobDI' ghu'. Set fire on the side when there is danger.
reH Suvrup SuvwI''a'. A great warrior is always prepared.
Hagh qoHpu' neH HeghtaHvIS SuvwI'pu'. Only fools laugh while warriors die.
HIvqa' veqlargh. The Fek'lhr strikes again.
DaHjaj SuvwI' SoH. Today you are a warrior.
'Iw bIQtIqDaq bIlengjaj. May you travel the river of blood.
tIqlIj Da'angnIS. You must show your heart.
Hov ghajbe'bogh ram rur pegh ghajbe'bogh jaj. A day without secrets is like a night without stars.
De' lI' Sovlu'DI' chaq Do'Ha'. Knowledge of useful information may be unfortunate.
not mev peghmey. Secrets never cease.
jIjatlhpa' jatlh Hovmey. The stars will talk before I will.
Hoch DaSopbe'chugh batlh bIHeghbe'. Eat everything or you will die without honor.
reH 'uQvam vIqawtaH. I will remember this dinner forever.
bInajtaHvIS qeylIS Daghomjaj. May you encounter Kahless in your dreams.
bItuHpa' bIHeghjaj. Death before shame.
'IH jaj, qar'a'. maja'chuqjaj. Beautiful day, isn't it? May we talk?
jISaHbe'. I don't care.
I do not care.
bISaHbe'. qatlh bIjatlh. You don't care. Why do you say that?
chaq SoHvo' vay' vIje' vIneH. Maybe I'd like to buy something from you.
tugh. #SSS.# bIje'be'chugh vaj bIHegh. Hurry up! Buy or die.
quvwIj DatIchpu', tera'ngan. You have insulted my honor, Terran.
bIyIntaH 'e' Daqotlhbe'. You do not deserve to live.
yIjotchoH. Calm down!
Dochvetlh yItlhap. Take that!
rojqoq so­called peace
HoSHey apparent strength
DevwI'na' a true leader
'otlh peng Qeq. He aims the photon torpedo.
'otlh peng Qeqchu'. He aims the photon torpedo perfectly.
Dalbej. It's undoubtedly boring.
nughoch Dujvetlh. That ship is tracking us.
nughochlaw' Dujvetlh. That ship is apparently tracking us.
I suspect that ship is tracking us.
'IH jaj, qar'a'. maja'chuqjaj. Beautiful day, isn't it? Can we talk?
cha'pujqutmey vIje' vIneH. I wanna buy dilithium crystals.
HItlhej. Come with me!
bIjatlh 'e' yImev. Shut up!
DaH jIHvaD yIngev. Sell it to me now!
bIDIlbe'chugh, vaj bIHegh. Pay or die.
ghIchwIj DabochmoHchugh, ghIchlIj qanob. If you shine my nose, I will give you your nose.
'IwwIj jeD law' 'IwlIj jeD puS. My blood is thicker than yours.
cha'pujqutmey vIje' vIneHbej. I definitely wanna buy dilithium crystals.
jIyaj. HItlhej. I understand. Come with me!
naDev bIHtaH. cha'SaD DeQ. tugh. Here they are. Two thousand credits. Hurry up!
bIjatlh 'e' yImev. vIneHbej. Shut up! I definitely want them.
DeQ tItlhap. Take the credits!
batlh malja' DaHuq. You transact business honorably.
yIleS. Relax!
bIleS 'e' yImev. Stop relaxing!
romuluS HIq vItlhutlh. I will drink Romulan ale.
HIvje' tIn yIteb. Fill a large glass!
chuch yIqemQo'. Do not bring ice!
pubtaHbogh ghargh HIq vItlhutlh. I will drink boiling wormwine.
cha'vatlh ben HIq vItlhutlh. I will drink two century old ale.
QuvlIjDaq yIH tu'be'lu'jaj. May your coordinates be free of tribbles.
bISuvtaHvIS bIHeghjaj. May you die in battle.
'oy' DaSIQjaj. May you endure the pain.
reH tlhInganpu' taHjaj. Klingons forever!
mu'qaD veS cursed warfare
targhlIj yIngagh. yIruch. Go mate with your targ!
Dejpu'bogh Hov rur qablIj. Your face looks like a collapsed star.
targhlIj yab tIn law' no'lI' Hoch yabDu' tIn puS. Your targ has a bigger brain than all your ancestors put together.
HoS lI' Dalo'Ha'chu'. You are a total waste of good energy.
Hab SoSlI' Quch. Your mother has a smooth forehead.
loQ mayev. We will take a quick break.
bIyev 'e' yImev. Stop breaking!
qaleghneS. I am honored to see you.
po'neS baHwI'pu'lI'. You gunners are skilled, your honor.
DojneS mIplIj. Your wealth is impressive, your honor.
cha'puj vIngevmeH chaw' HInobneS. Give me a permit to sell dilithium, your honor.
QaghwIj vIQIj 'e' yIchaw'neS. Permit me to explain my mistake, your honor.
ro'qegh'Iwchab HInob. Give me the Rokeg blood pie.
pu'HIchwIj Daleghpu'. You have seen my phaser.
pu'HIchwIj Daleghpu''a'. Have you seen my phaser?
Ha'DIbaH vISop vIneH. I want (to) eat meat.
Sojvetlh 'oH nuq'e'. What is that food?
loQ yIleS. Take a brief rest!
jagh DajeymeH, nIteb yISuvrup. To defeat the enemy, be ready to fight alone.
reH Suvrup SuvwIa'. A great warrior is always prepared.
reH latlh qabDaq qul tuj law', Hoch tuj puS. The fire is always hotter on someone else's face.
Hagh qoHpu' neH, HeghtaHvIS SuvwI'pu'. Only fools laugh while warriors die.
HIvqa' veqlargh. The Fek'lhr strikes again.
lojmIt poSDaq Daq pagh. No­one eavesdrops at an open door.
De' lI' Sovlu'DI', chaq Do'Ha'. Knowledge of useful information may be unfortunate.
not mev peghmey. Secrets never cease.
jIjatlhpa' jatlh Hovmey. The stars will talk before I will.
to'baj 'uS lughoDlu'bogh tIlaj. Accept these stuffed {to'baj} legs.
juHwIjDaq Dochvetlh vItlhap. I will take *that* to my home.
Ho'Du'lIjDaq to'baj 'uSHom lughoDlu'bogh tu'lu'. You have some stuffed {to'baj} leg in your teeth.
Hoch DaSopbe'chugh, batlh bIHeghbe'. Eat everything or you will die without honor.
reH 'uQvam vIqawtaH. I will remember this dinner forever.
matay'DI', vIHtaHbogh bIQ rur mu'qaDmey. Between us, curses run like water.
reH tlhIngan wo' taHjaj. May the Klingon Empire continue forever!
SoHDaq qeylIS qa' yInjaj. May the spirit of Kahless live within you!
bInajtaHvIS, qeylIS Daghomjaj. May you encounter Kahless in your dreams!
vItuHpa', bIHeghjaj. Death before shame!
DaHjaj, SuvwI' SoH. Today, you are a warrior.
'Iw bIQtIqDaq bIlengjaj. May you travel the river of blood.
jagh lucharghlu'ta'bogh HuH ghopDu'lIj lungaSjaj. May the bile of the vanquished fill your hands.
bIrchoH SuvwI' 'Iw. The blood of the warrior grows cold.
DaH jIbwIj vISay'nISmoH. I must wash my hair now.
bIyaj'a'. Do you understand?
yaj'a'. Understood? (clipped)
jIyajbe'. I do not understand.
yajbe'. I do not understand. (clipped)
nuqDaq 'oH puchpae'. Where is the bathroom?
nuqDaq puchpa'. Where is the bathroom? (clipped)
nIn 'ar wIghaj. How much fuel do we have left?
nIn 'ar ghaj. How much fuel do we have left? (clipped)
DaqwIj vISovbe'. I'm lost.
DaqwIj Sovbe'. I'm lost. (clipped)
nuqDaq jIQong. Where do I sleep?
nuqDaq Qong. Where do I sleep? (clipped)
loQ yIDum. Take a short nap!
bIDum 'e' yImev. Stop napping!
Qo'noSDaq paw cha' DIvI' beq. Two Federation crewmen arrive on Kronos.
tlhIngan 'avwI' lughom. They meet a Klingon guard.
lutlhob; <<naDevvo' vaS'a'Daq majaHlaH'a'.>> They ask him: <<Can we get to the Great Hall from here?>>
jang 'avwI'; <<lIchopbe'chugh ghewmey.>> The guard answers: <<If the bugs do not bite you.>>
Doq'a' SuvwI'pu'. Are warriors red?
ghobe'. SuD. No. They are green.
'avwI'vaD jatlh qama'; <<jIghung.>> A prisoner says to the guard: <>
jang 'avwI'; <<jIghung je.>> The guard replies: <>
jatlh qama'; <<jI'oj.>> The prisoner says: <>
jang 'avwI'; <<jI'oj je.>> The guard replies: <>
jatlh qama'; <<jIDoy'qu'.>> The prisoner says: <>
jatlh 'avwI'; <<jIDoy'be'.>> The guard says: <>
naDev ghoS. Come here!
Sop 'e' mev. Stop eating!
'uSDaj chop. chev. Bite his/her leg off!
DeSvetlh yIv. Chew that arm!
jol SeHlaw lItHa'. Get off that transporter control panel!
naDev Dochvetlh qem. Bring that here!
naDev Dochvetlh qemqu'. I really mean it this time, bring that here!
qab. Ha'DIbaH, qab. Bad! Bad, animal!
QuchwIj roSQo'. Do not lick my forehead!
javmaH tat chu'wI' vIneHbej. I definitely want sixty ion triggers.
vaghSaD DeQ HInob. DaH yIDIl. Give me five thousand credits! Pay now!
qay'be'. tItlhap. No problem! Here!
maj. Ha'. DaH matlhutlh. Good. Let us go get a drink.
jabwI', romuluS HIq vItlhutlh. Waiter, I will drink Romulan ale.
jabwI', cha' HIvje' yIqem! tera'ngan motlhbe' SoH. Waiter, bring two glasses! - You are an unusual Terran.
taghbej mu'qaD veS. Cursed warfare has definitely begun.
naDev juHlIjDaq cha'logh vISopneSchugh, vaj jIquv. jIghungqu'. It would be an honor to eat twice, here at your house, your honor. I am very hungry.
qu'bej QoghlIj. #SSS!# mev! ba'. Your {Qogh} is definitely fierce. Do not do that! Sit!
yoH tera'ngan. majQa'. The Terran is brave. Very good.
tlhIngan tIgh Dapabchu'. You follow Klingon customs well.
De' pegh vIghaj. lI', 'e' Datu'. 'uQ vISoppu'DI' maja'chuq. I have secret information, you will find it useful. We will talk, after dinner.
reH latlh qabDaq qul tuj law' Hoch tuj puS. The fire is always hotter on someone else's face.
tera'ngan, qabelmoH'a'. Terran, ahggrrrrr... Hggrrr... Do I please you?
meb, lut tlhaQ DaSov'a'. Guest, do you know any funny stories?
Qo'noSDaq paw cha' DIvI' beq. tlhIngan 'avwI' lughom. lutlhob; <<naDevvo' vaS'a'Daq majaHlaH'a'.>> Two Federation crewmen arrive on Kronos. They meet a Klingon guard. They ask him: <<Can we get to the Great Hall?>>
batlh qaghojmoH. Qapla'. It has been an honor to instruct you. Success!