tujqu'choH QuQ. | The engine is overheating. |
nughoS jagh. | The enemy is approaching. |
chay' jura'? | What are your orders? |
batlh maHegh. | We will die with honor. |
cha yIghuS! | Get the torpedoes ready. |
So'wI' yIchu'Ha'! | Deactivate the cloaking device! |
bIjeghbe'chugh vaj bIHegh. | Surrender or die. |
tlhIngan maH. | We are Klingons! |
tlhIngan Hol DaHaDrup'a'. | Are you ready to study Klingon? |
yIqIm. yIbuS. | Pay attention! Concentrate! |
yIHaDqa'. | Start studying again! |
SoH 'Iv. | Who are you? |
Dochvam nuq. | What is this? |
nuqDaq 'oH puchpa''e'. | Where is the bathroom? |
ghorgh mamej. | When do we leave? |
qatlh QeH. | Why is he angry? |
mughoS 'avwI' 'ar. | How many guards are coming? |
nIn 'ar wIghaj. | How much fuel do we have left? |
DIvI' Hol Dajatlh'a'. | Do you speak Federation Standard? |
tlhIngan Hol vIjatlhbe'. | I don't speak Klingon. |
jIyaj. | I understand. |
jIyajbe'. | I don't understand. |
tlhIngan SoH'a'. | Are you a Klingon? |
tera'ngan jIH. | I'm a Terran. |
tlhIngan jIH. | I am a Klingon. |
tlhIngan SoH. | You are a Klingon. |
tera'ngan ghaH. | He is a Terran. |
tera'ngan ghaH. | She is a Terran. |
jIghung. | I'm hungry. |
bIlugh. | You're right. |
ma'oj. | We're thirsty. |
SuDal. | All of you are boring. |
tera'ngan SoH'a'. | Are you a Terran? |
HIja'. tera'ngan jIH. | Yes. I'm a Terran. |
Qo'noSDaq bIghIQ'a'. | Are you vacationing on Kronos? |
HIja'. Qo'noSDaq jIghIQ. | Yes. I am vacationing on Kronos. |
naDev vay' DaSov'a'. | Do you know anyone here? |
ghobe'. naDev vay' vISovbe'. | No. I don't know anyone here. |
yIHmey DaHIj'a'. | Are you transporting tribbles? |
ghobe'. yIHmey vIHIjbe'. | No. I'm not transporting tribbles. |
yIleS. | Relax! |
yIleSHa'. | Stop relaxing! |
wa' tlhIngan | One Klingon |
cha' tlhInganpu' | Two Klingons |
wej tlhInganpu' yoH | Three *brave* Klingons |
loS pu'HIchmey | Four phasers |
vagh pu'HIchmey | Five phasers |
jav pu'HIchmey tIn | Six *big* phasers |
Soch QuchDu' | Seven foreheads |
chorgh QuchDu' 'IH | Eight *beautiful* foreheads |
Hut yIHmey | Nine tribbles |
wa'maH yIHmey lI'be' | Ten *useless* tribbles |
cha'maH | twenty |
wa'vatlh | one hundred |
vaghvatlh | five hundred |
wejSaD | Three thousand |
loSmaH | Forty |
Sochvatlh | Seven hundred |
HutSaD | Nine thousand |
javvatlh rep | Six hundred hours or six o'clock in the morning |
wa'maH cha'vatlh rep | Noon or twelve hundred hours |
pagh rep | midnight or zero hours |
wa'maH Hutvatlh rep | Seven p.m. or nineteen hundred hours |
wa'Hu' jIghung. | Yesterday I was hungry. |
DaHjaj jI'oj. | Today I am thirsty. |
wa'leS jIDoy'. | Tomorrow I'll be tired. |
yIleS. | You should relax! |
yIvumqa'. | Back to work! |
nuq mI'lIj, tera'ngan. | What is your number, Terran? |
meb loSmaH cha' jIH. | I'm guest number forty-two. |
pIpIH. | We're expecting you. |
pa' cha'maH wej 'oH pa'lIj'e'. | Your room is number twenty-three. |
letqu' QongDaq. | The bed is very hard. |
pa'vo' pagh leghlu'. | The room has no view. (Lit. Nothing is seen from the room. TKD p.39) |
vagh rep bImejnIS. | Checkout time is five a.m. (Lit. You need to leave at five hours.) |
DaH yIDIl. | Pay now! |
teplIj yIwoH 'ej pa'lIjDaq yIjaH. | Pick up your baggage and go to your room! |
wa' DeQ | one credit |
bIje'be'chugh vaj bIHegh. | Buy or die. |
vogh vISuch vIneH. | I want to visit some place. |
yejquv vaS'a' vISuch vIneH. | I want to visit the Great Hall of the High Council. |
cha'puj tlhIlHal vISuch vIneH. | I want to visit the dilithium mines. |
Sum Daqmeyvam, tera'ngan. | These places are nearby, Terran. |
pa' jIyIt'a'. | Can I walk there? |
ghobe'. lupwI' DalIghnIS. | No. You must ride the jitney. |
yIyong 'ej pa' yIQam. | Get in and stand there! |
naDevvo' jIleghlaHchu'be'. | I can't see well from here. |
HoS lIngwI' wIjuS. | We're passing a power generator. |
'IH, qar'a'. | It's beautiful, isn't it? |
DaH vay' vIlarghlaH. | Now I can smell something. |
mu'aw' mInDu'wIj. | My eyes sting. |
Daqvam nuq. | What is this place? |
pegh De'vetlh. | That is classified information. (Lit. That information is kept secret.) |
ghorgh pa'wIjDaq jIchegh. | When can I return to my room? |
HIDjolev Dayaj'a', tera'ngan. | Do you understand the menu, Terran? |
ghobe'. HIboQ. | No. Help me. |
chovoq'a'. | Do you trust me? |
HIja'. qavoq. | Yes. I trust you. |
SoHvaD 'uQ wej vIqem. | I'll bring you dinner number three. |
Dargh vIqem je. | I'll bring tea, also. |
DaH yIDIl. | Pay now! |
peSop, tera'ngan. | Bon appétit, Terran. |
chay' Soj vISop. | How do I eat the food? |
ghopDu'lIj yIlo'. | Use your hands. |
Dochvam nuq. | What is this? |
qagh DaSop. | You are eating serpent worms. |
vIH qagh. | The serpent worms are moving. |
nom yISop. | Eat them quickly. |
qabwIjDaq Soj tu'lu'bej. | There's food all over my face. |
vaj DatIvba'. | Then you're obviously enjoying it. |
pIpyuS pach vISop. | Eat the pipius claw. |
reH tlhol'a' tlhIngan Soj. | Is Klingon food always raw? |
Ha'DIbaHmey meQ Sop 'e' tIv tera'nganpu'. | Terrans enjoy eating burnt animals. |
not Soj QaQ Qaw' tlhInganpu'. | Klingons never destroy good food. |
nov DorwI' | alien escort |
tachDaq choDor'a'. | Will you escort me to a bar? |
HIja'. HItlhej. | Yes. Come with me. |
lu'. Ha'. | Okay. Let's go! |
qatlh Dat DI tu'lu', tlhIngan. | Why is there rubble everywhere, Klingon? |
SuvwI' juHmey rur tachmey. | Bars resemble warrior's homes. |
bItlhutlh'a', tera'ngan? | Will you drink, Terran? |
HIja'. nuq tu'lu'. | Yes. What is there? |
HIq qIj reghuluS 'Iw HIq ghap jab. | They serve black ale, or Regulan bloodwine. |
tera'nganvaD romuluS HIq jabQo'. HoSghajqu'. | They won't serve Romulan ale to Terrans, too potent. |
HIq qIj vItlhutlh vIneH. | I'll have the black ale. |
'IwlIj jachjaj. | May your blood scream. |
pa'Daq qaStaH nuq. | What is happening in the room? |
may' ngeb tIv Hoch. | Everyone enjoys a mock battle. |
maDo'chugh QeHchoH wa'. | If we get lucky, one will get angry. |
'eb Qav. 'eb Qav. | Last opportunity. |
<<'eb Qav>> jatlhpu'. | He said: <<Last call.>> |
latlh Datlhutlh'a'. | Will you drink another one? |
ghobe'. jIroplaw'. | No. I feel sick. |
vaj Dargh wIb DatlhutlhnIS. | Then you need to drink sour tea. |
Hoch vor Dargh wIb. | Sour tea cures everything. |
tlhIngan jIHbe'. | I am not a Klingon. |
nom QaH yIqem. | Get help quickly! |
HIHotQo'. | Don't touch me! |
HIjol. | Beam me up! |
vIta'pu'be'. | I didn't do it. |
Qel vISamnIS. | I need to find a doctor. |
nuqDaq yuch Dapol. | Where do you keep the chocolate? |
batlh qaghojmoHpu'. Qapla'. | It has been an honor to instruct you. Success. |